Monday, July 13, 2009

Mission Statement

I started this blog back in August of '08 and never posted anything because I just didn't know what part of me to share with the world. I am a man of many passions. Some would even call me a jack of all trades but you know the rest of that saying goes...."Master of NONE". Since about October/November last year I have started collecting shoes: Jordan's really. I've always had a passion for shoes; mainly Jordans and not just the obvious reason- Michael Jordan. Though he is the athlete that inspired the greatest line of shoes ever to come out (in my opinion) I also realize he had a team.... Peter Moore and Robert Strasser (1&2), Tinker Hatfield (3-15), Wilson Smith (16&17) Tate Kuebis (18& 19), Tinker Hatfield again (20- ). So my goal on this blog will be to express my love of the shoe game and gadgets on the worldwide stage.

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